- College Center [01]
- College Center [03]
- College Center [02]
- The Waterside
- Huntsville Festival of Fine Arts banner [01]
- Huntsville Festival of Fine Arts banner [02]
- Festival Conference and Student Center [01]
- Festival Conference and Student Center [03]
- Festival Conference and Student Center [02]
- Overflowing solar compactor trash can
- Road flare on Maine Avenue SW [01]
- Road flare on Maine Avenue SW [02]
- Cherry blossoms
- Capital Bikeshare bike near the Tidal Basin
- District of Columbia War Memorial [02]
- Potomac Hall TV lounge
- Ice wings painted on wall
- Waterside District [01]
- Waterside District [03]
- Waterside District [02]
- Festival Conference and Student Center [04]
- JMU east campus [02]
- JMU east campus [03]
- Festival Conference and Student Center [06]
- JMU east campus [04]
- Festival Conference and Student Center [05]
- COVID-19 notice at Manchester Lakes Barker Shop
- Food Festival Deli & Mart
- MAGFest car
- Paramount Theater marquee [03]
- Paramount Theater marquee [04]
- JMU East Campus
- King Hall [01]