Critters in the car
Salmon and eggs on avocado toast
No Dumping sign
Wood turtle at the National Aquarium
David amongst the lobby decor [02]
David amongst the lobby decor [01]
Caught catfish
Pacific sea nettle at the National Aquarium [01]
Pacific sea nettle at the National Aquarium [02]
Pacific sea nettle at the National Aquarium [04]
Pacific sea nettle at the National Aquarium [03]
Dead and decaying fish
Elyse photographs David at the National Aquarium
Wheelock strobe at the National Aquarium
Dog sniffing dead fish
Wheelock speaker and strobe at the National Aquarium
Fish tank at Bass Pro Shops in Ashland
Dog-faced puffer at Annapolis Mall [02]
Dog-faced puffer at Annapolis Mall [01]
Critters in the HR-V
Elyse listens to bubbles