Zumba shoes at Olney Swim Center [06]
Zumba shoes at Olney Swim Center [05]
Zumba shoes at Olney Swim Center [04]
Zumba shoes at Olney Swim Center [03]
Zumba shoes at Olney Swim Center [02]
Zumba shoes at Olney Swim Center [01]
World Trade Center Memorial [02]
World Trade Center Memorial [01]
Woman with painted toenails
Woman with bandaged foot and ankle
Woman reading a book
Woman lying on a dock to take a photo
Woman in Lafayette Square
Woman having nails painted
Wheelock fire alarm speaker/strobe in Ballston pedestrian bridge
West Elm store in Philadelphia
View from Loudoun Gateway parking garage
Ulven bridge socket
Trying on Crocs
Toe socks with flip-flops
Terbinafine pills
Teddy Roosevelt Island bridge
T. Tyler Potterfield Memorial Bridge [02]
T. Tyler Potterfield Memorial Bridge [01]
T. Tyler Potterfield Bridge
Super Shoes in Martinsburg, West Virginia [03]
Super Shoes in Martinsburg, West Virginia [02]
Super Shoes in Martinsburg, West Virginia [01]
Street signs for South Gregson Street and West Peabody Street
Stepping on photo of Muammar Gaddafi
Standing in green Crocs
Standing in front of my drone
Stairs from Sideling Hill overlook
South pedestrian bridge at Herndon station
Social distancing signage at Dunkin Donuts in Leesburg, Virginia [01]
Social distancing sign at Sheetz
Skyline of Richmond from T. Tyler Potterfield Memorial Bridge [04]
Skyline of Richmond from T. Tyler Potterfield Memorial Bridge [03]
Skyline of Richmond from T. Tyler Potterfield Memorial Bridge [02]
Skyline of Richmond from T. Tyler Potterfield Memorial Bridge [01]
Six feet on Cloud Gate
Sideling Hill rest area [10]
Sideling Hill rest area [09]
Sideling Hill rest area [08]
Sideling Hill rest area [07]
Sideling Hill rest area [06]
Sideling Hill rest area [05]
Sideling Hill rest area [04]
Sideling Hill rest area [03]
Sideling Hill rest area [02]
Sideling Hill rest area [01]
Shoes on a power line [02]
Shoes on a power line [01]
Shoes hanging from bridge cable [02]
Shoes hanging from bridge cable [01]
Shoes at Olney Swim Center [06]
Shoes at Olney Swim Center [05]
Shoes at Olney Swim Center [04]
Shoes at Olney Swim Center [03]
Shoes at Olney Swim Center [02]
Shoes at Olney Swim Center [01]
Selfie in the podiatry chair
Sears wing at Charlottesville Fashion Square
Sears Hill footbridge [02]
Sears Hill footbridge [01]
Rosslyn skyline [03]
Rosslyn skyline [02]
Rosslyn skyline [01]
Rosslyn skyline at sunset
Roosevelt Bridge
Rocks in the James River [02]
Robert E. Lee Memorial Bridge and Belle Isle pedestrian bridge [02]
Robert E. Lee Memorial Bridge and Belle Isle pedestrian bridge [01]
Richmond skyline [12]
Rapids on the James River [02]
Rapids on the James River [01]
Rainbow in North Tower fountain
Rainbow Crocs
Price tag error on a shoe
Power line reservations in Waynesboro, Virginia [02]