Crocs with slipper socks
Elyse ties her shoe
Enclosed portion of the Centre at Glen Burnie [04]
Interior of Owings Mills Mall [09]
Zumba shoes at Olney Swim Center [01]
Zumba shoes at Olney Swim Center [02]
Zumba shoes at Olney Swim Center [03]
Zumba shoes at Olney Swim Center [04]
Zumba shoes at Olney Swim Center [05]
Zumba shoes at Olney Swim Center [06]
Shoes at Olney Swim Center [06]
Shoes at Olney Swim Center [05]
Shoes at Olney Swim Center [04]
Shoes at Olney Swim Center [03]
Shoes at Olney Swim Center [02]
Shoes at Olney Swim Center [01]
Wheelock fire alarm speaker/strobe in Ballston pedestrian bridge