Simplex TrueAlert at Frank S. Farley Service Plaza [01]
Simplex TrueAlert at Frank S. Farley Service Plaza [02]
Simplex TrueAlert at Frank S. Farley Service Plaza [03]
Elyse checks her phone
Cap on a milk carton [01]
Cap on a milk jug
Cap on a bottle of Sprite
Cap on a milk carton [02]
Trucker convoy
Interstate 81 at Route 796 [02]
Interstate 81 at Route 796 [01]
Truck rest area sign
Baking needs aisle at Food Lion [01]
Baking needs aisle at Food Lion [02]
Interstate 64 corridor through Waynesboro, Virginia
Cans of Campbell's soup [01]
Cans of Campbell's soup [02]
Cans of Campbell's soup [03]
Interstate 85 split [01]
Route 10 bridge over the Appomattox River [01]
Interstate 85 split [02]
Route 10 bridge over the Appomattox River [02]
Interstate 85 and US 460 reassurance markers [01]
Route 10 bridge over the Appomattox River [03]
Interstate 85 and US 460 reassurance markers [02]
Interstate 85 and US 460 reassurance markers [03]
Former Ramada Inn in Petersburg, Virginia [17]
Church Hill neighborhood [01]
Church Hill neighborhood [02]
Interstate 95 through downtown Richmond [04]
Interstate 95 through downtown Richmond [02]
Empty rack in vending machine at Ladysmith rest area
Bang energy drink at Ladysmith rest area
Interstate 95 through downtown Richmond [03]
Interstate 95 through downtown Richmond [01]
Candy machine at Ladysmith rest area
"Z-Burger now is a COVID free zone"
Sign for B&R Grocery [02]
Sign for B&R Grocery [01]
Interstate 95 at Hanover Street exit [01]
Interstate 395 interchange in Baltimore [01]
Interstate 395 interchange in Baltimore [02]
Interstate 395 interchange in Baltimore [03]
Interstate 95 at Hanover Street exit [02]
Francis Scott Key Bridge [01]
Francis Scott Key Bridge [02]
Francis Scott Key Bridge [03]
Francis Scott Key Bridge [04]
Francis Scott Key Bridge [05]
Francis Scott Key Bridge [06]
Francis Scott Key Bridge [07]
Francis Scott Key Bridge [08]
Francis Scott Key Bridge [09]
Tourist information sign at West Virginia welcome center
Flags at West Virginia welcome center
Walt Whitman Bridge [15]
Walt Whitman Bridge [14]
Walt Whitman Bridge [13]
Walt Whitman Bridge [12]
Walt Whitman Bridge [11]
Walt Whitman Bridge [10]
Walt Whitman Bridge [09]
Walt Whitman Bridge [08]
Walt Whitman Bridge [07]
Walt Whitman Bridge [06]
Walt Whitman Bridge [05]
Walt Whitman Bridge [04]
Walt Whitman Bridge [03]
Walt Whitman Bridge [02]
Walt Whitman Bridge [01]
Scrub Daddy retail store [19]
Delaware Memorial Bridge [14]
Delaware Memorial Bridge [13]
Delaware Memorial Bridge [12]
Delaware Memorial Bridge [11]
Delaware Memorial Bridge [10]
Delaware Memorial Bridge [09]
Delaware Memorial Bridge [08]
Delaware Memorial Bridge [07]
Delaware Memorial Bridge [06]