- South River in Waynesboro
- Downtown Waynesboro, Virginia [01]
- Downtown Waynesboro, Virginia [02]
- Couch on a tree stump [01]
- Couch on a tree stump [02]
- Target in Westminster, Maryland [01]
- Gavigan's Home Furnishings [02]
- Gavigan's Home Furnishings [01]
- Abandoned couch on the Graffiti Highway [01]
- Abandoned couch on the Graffiti Highway [02]
- Abandoned couch on the Graffiti Highway [03]
- Abandoned couch on the Graffiti Highway [04]
- Abandoned couch on the Graffiti Highway [05]
- Abandoned couch on the roadside [01]
- Abandoned couch on the roadside [02]
- Chalkboard wall at IKEA
- West Main Street in Waynesboro, Virginia [02]
- West Main Street in Waynesboro, Virginia [01]
- West Main Street in Waynesboro, Virginia [03]
- Ghost sign on 11 South Augusta Street
- West Elm store in Philadelphia
- View west from Staunton Mall
- Meijer in Maumee, Ohio [07]
- Morris Sokol Furniture building [01]
- Morris Sokol Furniture building [02]
- Neon lettering on Morris Sokol Furniture building [01]
- Neon lettering on Morris Sokol Furniture building [02]
- Neon lettering on Morris Sokol Furniture building [03]
- Neon lettering on Morris Sokol Furniture building [04]