Fire alarm at United States Botanic Garden [02]
Fire alarm at United States Botanic Garden [01]
Fire alarm at United States Botanic Garden [03]
Trees on the grounds of Monticello
Gardens at Monticello [03]
Gardens at Monticello [01]
Gardens at Monticello [02]
Blue Star Memorial Highway marker at New Market rest area
Jet from hotel whirlpool
Pool ladder
Lily at Lincoln Park Zoo
Hibiscus at Navy Pier
"This church is prayer conditioned"
"This church is prayer conditioned"
"Easter should not be the only day you are here"
Ingrid Bergman Hybrid Tea Rose [02]
Ingrid Bergman Hybrid Tea Rose [01]
Pineapple Lily
Turk's Cap Lily
Hybrid Rugosa Rose [02]
Hybrid Rugosa Rose [01]
Rosa Dainty Bess (with bee)
Hybrid Tea Rose
Purple Coneflower
Lilli Marleen Floribunda Rose [03]
Lilli Marleen Floribunda Rose [02]
Lilli Marleen Floribunda Rose [01]
Love and Peace Hybrid Tea Rose [02]
Love and Peace Hybrid Tea Rose [01]
Honey Perfume Floribunda Rose
Orange Daylily [03]
Fern Leaf Yarrow
American Water Lotus
Arc-en Ciel Waterlily
English Shrub Rose
Korean Abelialeaf
Black-Eyed Susan
Sunshine Hollyhock [03]
Sunshine Hollyhock [02]
Sunshine Hollyhock [01]
English Lavender
Moroccan Mountain Eryngo
Montgomery Florist's Spiraea
Peruvian Lily [02]
Peruvian Lily [01]
Spike Gayfeather [02]
Spike Gayfeather [01]
Sweet William
Autumn Colors Black-Eyed Susan
Orange Daylily [02]
Orange Daylily [01]
Summer Wine Daylily [02]
Summer Wine Daylily [01]
Alaska Shasta Daisy
Rose Beauty Japanese Thistle
Matthew Allen Dahlia [02]
Matthew Allen Dahlia [01]
Golden Shower Threadleaf Coreopsis [02]
Golden Shower Threadleaf Coreopsis [01]
Fuji Blue Balloon Flower [02]
Fuji Blue Balloon Flower [01]
Ultra Violet Tropical Waterlily [02]
Ultra Violet Tropical Waterlily [01]
Day-Blooming Tropical Waterlily
Candelabra Grandiflora Rose
Love Grandiflora Rose [02]
Love Grandiflora Rose [01]
Heron at Chicago Botanic Garden [02]
Duck at Chicago Botanic Garden
Heron at Chicago Botanic Garden [01]
Washington Monument in scaffolding, viewed from Constitution Gardens [01]
Washington Monument in scaffolding, viewed from Constitution Gardens [02]
Washington Monument in scaffolding, viewed from Constitution Gardens [03]
Washington Monument in scaffolding, viewed from Constitution Gardens [04]
Washington Monument in scaffolding, viewed from Constitution Gardens [05]
Washington Monument in scaffolding, viewed from Constitution Gardens [06]
Washington Monument in scaffolding, viewed from Constitution Gardens [07]