Hillside Station
Vintage Acme pull station [02]
Vintage Acme pull station [01]
WMATA coupler assembly [02]
WMATA coupler assembly [01]
Decommissioned Gamewell fire alarm box [01]
Decommissioned Gamewell fire alarm box [02]
Toys "R" Us trailer in Sandy Hook, Maryland [01]
Toys "R" Us trailer in Sandy Hook, Maryland [02]
Toys "R" Us trailer in Sandy Hook, Maryland [03]
Bag on fire alarm
Stinky pine cones hanging on a door
Hook and eye latch at Shaffer's Barbecue
Gamewell fire alarm telegraph box at 30 Center Square [01]
Gamewell fire alarm telegraph box at 30 Center Square [02]
Gamewell fire alarm telegraph box at 16 Baltimore Street [01]
Gamewell fire alarm telegraph box at 16 Baltimore Street [02]
Gamewell fire alarm telegraph box at East Walnut and South Railroad Streets [01]
Gamewell fire alarm telegraph box at East Walnut and South Railroad Streets [02]
Gamewell fire alarm telegraph box at East Walnut and South Railroad Streets [03]