Tactile warning strip at King Street station
Alexandria viewed from the grounds of the George Washington Masonic National Memorial
Old Town Alexandria [01]
King Street station and Alexandria Union Station from Masonic Memorial
Old Town Alexandria [03]
Old Town Alexandria [02]
King Street station entrance pylon [01]
Station name plaque at King Street
DASH bus 37
Metrobus 2082 at King Street
DASH bus 25 at King Street station
Blue Line train arriving at King Street station
Blue Line train at King Street station
New trash can at King Street station
King Street station entrance pylon [02]
Yellow Line train at King Street
Outbound Blue Line train at King Street
Two trains at King Street station
Platform pylon at King Street station
Yellow Line train departing King Street station
Yellow Line train approaching King Street station
7000-Series train at King Street
DASH bus 80 at King Street-Old Town station
Metrobus 2561 at King Street-Old Town station
Taco Bell Cantina
Work shoes and cargo pants
Restroom at King Street station
Morris Sokol Furniture building [01]
Morris Sokol Furniture building [02]
Neon lettering on Morris Sokol Furniture building [01]
Neon lettering on Morris Sokol Furniture building [02]
Neon lettering on Morris Sokol Furniture building [03]
Neon lettering on Morris Sokol Furniture building [04]
Pedicab operator in downtown Charleston
Palmetto in downtown Charleston