Masonic emblem in the snow
George Washington Masonic National Memorial in snow [03]
George Washington Masonic National Memorial in snow [01]
George Washington Masonic National Memorial in snow [02]
Grotto Room at the George Washington Masonic National Memorial [02]
Grotto Room at the George Washington Masonic National Memorial [04]
Grotto Room at the George Washington Masonic National Memorial [01]
Column in Royal Arch Room
Grotto Room at the George Washington Masonic National Memorial [03]
Replica of the Ark of the Covenant [03]
Cryptic Room at the George Washington Masonic National Memorial [01]
Memorial Hall at the George Washington Masonic National Memorial [02]
Grounds of the George Washington Masonic National Memorial [01]
Memorial Hall at the George Washington Masonic National Memorial [01]
George Washington Masonic National Memorial observation deck
Tall Cedars Room at the George Washington Masonic National Memorial
Shooters Hill
King Street station and Alexandria Union Station from Masonic Memorial
Square and Compasses on the grounds of the George Washington Masonic National Memorial [01]
Knights Templar Room at the George Washington Masonic National Memorial [02]
Knights Templar Room at the George Washington Masonic National Memorial [01]
Cryptic Room at the George Washington Masonic National Memorial [02]
Cluster of mostly-defunct businesses on Afton Mountain
Rockingham Hall [02]
Rockingham Hall [01]
Grounds of the George Washington Masonic National Memorial [02]
Flag at House of the Temple
Signs on US 30 outside Breezewood
Quality Inn sign near Breezewood
Grounds of the George Washington Masonic National Memorial [03]
Cryptic Room tunnel
Square and Compasses on the grounds of the George Washington Masonic National Memorial [02]
Replica of the Ark of the Covenant [02]
Replica of the Ark of the Covenant [01]
Abandoned motel guest building [23]
Peeling paint on brick
Posted No Trespassing in window of abandoned motel
Fallen drywall on abandoned motel guest building
Detail on Masonic Temple pediment
Pediment at Masonic Temple
Former tourist information center building
"George Bush is a reptile"
Pro-Trump graffiti [01]
Former tourist information center
Pro-Trump graffiti [02]
Second Blessings [01]
Second Blessings [02]
Second Blessings [03]
George Washington Masonic National Memorial at night [02]
George Washington Masonic National Memorial at night [01]
Camera photographing signs at Bel Alton Motel
Neon signs at Bel Alton Motel [09]
Neon signs at Bel Alton Motel [03]
Neon signs at Bel Alton Motel [02]
Neon signs at Bel Alton Motel [01]
Neon signs at Bel Alton Motel [11]
Neon signs at Bel Alton Motel [12]
Neon signs at Bel Alton Motel [08]
Neon signs at Bel Alton Motel [07]
Neon signs at Bel Alton Motel [10]
Neon signs at Bel Alton Motel [04]
Neon signs at Bel Alton Motel [05]
Neon signs at Bel Alton Motel [06]
Demolition of Williamsburg Travel Inn [06]
Demolition of Williamsburg Travel Inn [07]
Demolition of Williamsburg Travel Inn [08]
Demolition of Williamsburg Travel Inn [04]
Demolition of Williamsburg Travel Inn [02]
Demolition of Williamsburg Travel Inn [01]
Demolition of Williamsburg Travel Inn [03]
Demolition of Williamsburg Travel Inn [05]
George Washington Masonic National Memorial in early evening [03]
George Washington Masonic National Memorial in early evening [02]
George Washington Masonic National Memorial in early evening [07]
George Washington Masonic National Memorial in early evening [04]
George Washington Masonic National Memorial in early evening [01]
George Washington Masonic National Memorial in early evening [05]
George Washington Masonic National Memorial in early evening [10]
George Washington Masonic National Memorial in early evening [08]
George Washington Masonic National Memorial in early evening [06]