Double-height room at The Bay Queen Street
Fountain at Delta Chelsea Hotel
March on the Pentagon [02]
Couple making out on the ice
March on Crystal City [37]
March on Crystal City [36]
Funk the War 8 [08]
"When we do small things, God can make it big"
Munch's Make Believe Band
Mr. Munch
Helen Henny
Chuck E. Cheese
Discarded tube of lipstick
Escalator closed
Pasqually's drum
Suzie and her makeup artist
Pro-Trump graffiti [01]
Pro-Trump graffiti [02]
Winky Lux display
1980s-era Walmart name badge
Makeup brushes at Target
"Please use a tissue to make your selection"
Elyse plays a round of Galaga
Bush’s Visitor Center [12]
Stop work order at 320 West 15th Street
Elevator note at the Dakota
"DADDII" license plate