One way sign at Bank and Sparks Streets
One way sign at Lisgar and Elgin Streets
West Park Bowling [02]
170 Laurier Avenue West
West Park Bowling [03]
West Park Bowling [01]
View from Ottawa Marriott Hotel [03]
West Park Bowling [04]
View from Ottawa Marriott Hotel [02]
West Park Bowling [05]
Sign for Girard's Lock & Key
Street parking pay station on Metcalfe Street
View from Ottawa Marriott Hotel [01]
"Thank you for not smoking, eating, or loitering within 10 meters"
Coach Canada motorcoach
Elyse sits in a small three-wheeled taxicab [01]
Elyse sits in a small three-wheeled taxicab [02]
Elyse sits on a cycle rickshaw
Elyse sits on a motorcycle
Construction barrel on Metcalfe Street
One way sign on Palace Street
Pedestrian signal call sensor at Metcalfe and Nepean Streets [02]
Sewer manhole cover on Parliament Hill
Bell Canada payphone along Bank Street [03]
Bell Canada payphone along Bank Street [01]
Pedestrian signal call sensor at Metcalfe and Nepean Streets [01]
Woomy checks out True North Bear
Popeye's Supplements [02]
Print button is broken
Bell Canada payphone along Bank Street [04]
Bell Canada payphone along Bank Street [02]
Confederation Building [01]
Confederation Building [02]
West Block of Parliament [02]
Confederation Building [03]
Popeye's Supplements [01]
Graffiti on Loblaws building
Tulipa agenesis
West Block of Parliament [04]
Parking signs along Montreal Road
West Block of Parliament [03]
Walmart in Brockville, Ontario [02]
West Block of Parliament [01]
West Block of Parliament [05]
Bicycle signal at intersection of Metcalfe Street and Laurier Avenue West
Bell Canada payphone along Bank Street [05]
Traffic light at Wellington and O'Connor Streets [01]
Esso station at Montreal Road and Vanier Parkway
Traffic signal at intersection of Metcalfe Street and Laurier Avenue West [02]
Lamppost outside of the Confederation Building
Bell Canada payphone along Bank Street [08]
Bell Canada payphone at West Park Bowling [02]
Thousand Islands duty free store, Canadian side
Traffic light at Wellington and O'Connor Streets [02]
Speed limit sign on Palace Street [01]
Bell Canada payphone along Bank Street [07]
Faregates at Lyon station
Bell Canada payphone at West Park Bowling [01]
Stag Shop
Bell Canada payphone at West Park Bowling [03]
Bell Canada payphone at West Park Bowling [04]
Walmart in Brockville, Ontario [08]
"To Interstate 81" signage near Canadian border
Walmart in Brockville, Ontario [01]
Desire path from Gloucester Centre mall to the train
Speed limit sign on Palace Street [03]
Speed limit sign on Palace Street [02]
Bell Canada payphone along Bank Street [06]
Entrance to West Block building
Walmart in Brockville, Ontario [09]
Walmart in Brockville, Ontario [05]
Sidewalk graffiti along Rideau Street
Honda HR-V at Ottawa Marriott Hotel
Walmart in Brockville, Ontario [03]
Walmart in Brockville, Ontario [04]
Traffic light at Rideau and Nelson Streets [01]
Walmart in Brockville, Ontario [07]
Walmart in Brockville, Ontario [11]
Cigars at Thousand Islands duty free store, Canadian side [03]
Cigars at Thousand Islands duty free store, Canadian side [02]