4th Maine Infantry memorial [01]
4th Maine Infantry memorial [02]
4th Maine Infantry memorial [03]
4th Maine Infantry memorial [04]
4th Maine Infantry memorial [05]
4th Maine Infantry memorial [06]
4th Maine Infantry memorial [07]
4th Maine Infantry memorial [08]
Base of the Washington Monument in scaffolding, viewed from the northwest [01]
Base of the Washington Monument in scaffolding, viewed from the southeast [01]
Base of the Washington Monument in scaffolding, viewed from the southeast [02]
Base of the Washington Monument in scaffolding, viewed from the southwest [01]
Base of the Washington Monument in scaffolding, viewed from the southwest [02]
Base of the Washington Monument in scaffolding, viewed from the southwest [03]
Base of the Washington Monument in scaffolding, viewed from the west
Detail of the Washington Monument's scaffolding, viewed from the east
Detail of the Washington Monument's scaffolding, viewed from the east, showing the elevator car
Detail of the Washington Monument's scaffolding, viewed from the south [01]
Detail of the Washington Monument's scaffolding, viewed from the south [02]
Detail of the Washington Monument's scaffolding, viewed from the south [03]
Detail of the Washington Monument's scaffolding, viewed from the south [04]
Detail of the Washington Monument's scaffolding, viewed from the southeast, showing the elevator car
Detail of the Washington Monument's scaffolding, viewed from the southwest [01]
Detail of the Washington Monument's scaffolding, viewed from the southwest [02]
Detail of the Washington Monument's scaffolding, viewed from the southwest, showing the elevator car [01]
Detail of the Washington Monument's scaffolding, viewed from the southwest, showing the elevator car [02]
Detail of the Washington Monument's scaffolding, viewed from the southwest, showing the elevator car [03]
Detail of the Washington Monument's scaffolding, viewed from the west [01]
Million Worker March [05]
Million Worker March [09]
Person photographing the Washington Monument
September 24, 2005 anti-war protest [30]
The Washington Monument at sunset
The Washington Monument, viewed from the Lincoln Memorial
Washington Monument from 15th Street SW
Washington Monument from FDR Memorial
Washington Monument in late afternoon [01]
Washington Monument in late afternoon [02]
Washington Monument in scaffolding at night, showing detail of the scaffolding
Washington Monument in scaffolding at night, viewed from the east [01]
Washington Monument in scaffolding at night, viewed from the east [02]
Washington Monument in scaffolding at night, viewed from the east [03]
Washington Monument in scaffolding at night, viewed from the northeast [01]
Washington Monument in scaffolding at night, viewed from the northeast [02]
Washington Monument in scaffolding at night, viewed from the northwest [01]
Washington Monument in scaffolding at night, viewed from the northwest [02]
Washington Monument in scaffolding at night, viewed from the northwest [03]
Washington Monument in scaffolding at night, viewed from the northwest [04]
Washington Monument in scaffolding at night, viewed from the northwest [05]
Washington Monument in scaffolding at night, viewed from the south, across the Tidal Basin [01]
Washington Monument in scaffolding at night, viewed from the south, across the Tidal Basin [02]
Washington Monument in scaffolding at night, viewed from the south, across the Tidal Basin [03]
Washington Monument in scaffolding at night, viewed from the south, across the Tidal Basin [04]
Washington Monument in scaffolding at night, viewed from the south, across the Tidal Basin [05]
Washington Monument in scaffolding at night, viewed from the southeast [01]
Washington Monument in scaffolding at night, viewed from the southeast [02]
Washington Monument in scaffolding at night, viewed from the southeast [02]
Washington Monument in scaffolding at night, viewed from the southeast [03]
Washington Monument in scaffolding at night, viewed from the southwest [01]
Washington Monument in scaffolding at night, viewed from the southwest [02]
Washington Monument in scaffolding at night, viewed from the southwest [03]
Washington Monument in scaffolding at night, viewed from the southwest, across the Tidal Basin [01]
Washington Monument in scaffolding at night, viewed from the southwest, across the Tidal Basin [02]
Washington Monument in scaffolding at night, viewed from the southwest, across the Tidal Basin [03]
Washington Monument in scaffolding at night, viewed from the southwest, across the Tidal Basin [04]
Washington Monument in scaffolding at night, viewed from the west [01]
Washington Monument in scaffolding at night, viewed from the west [02]
Washington Monument in scaffolding at night, viewed from the west [03]
Washington Monument in scaffolding at night, viewed from the west [04]
Washington Monument in scaffolding at night, viewed from the west [05]
Washington Monument in scaffolding at night, viewed from the west [06]
Washington Monument in scaffolding at night, viewed from the west [07]
Washington Monument in scaffolding at night, viewed from the west [08]
Washington Monument in scaffolding at night, viewed from the west, near the Lincoln Memorial [01]
Washington Monument in scaffolding at night, viewed from the west, near the Lincoln Memorial [02]
Washington Monument in scaffolding at night, viewed from the west, near the Lincoln Memorial [03]
Washington Monument in scaffolding at night, viewed from the west, near the Lincoln Memorial [04]
Washington Monument in scaffolding at night, viewed from the west, near the Lincoln Memorial [05]
Washington Monument in scaffolding at night, viewed from the west, near the Lincoln Memorial [06]
Washington Monument in scaffolding, viewed from a field west of 15th Street SW [01]