Tree marked with blue blaze [02]
Tree marked with blue blaze [01]
Artist painting a mural
Abandoned motel guest building [22]
Abandoned motel guest building [21]
Abandoned motel guest building [20]
Abandoned motel guest building [19]
Abandoned motel guest building [18]
Abandoned motel guest building [17]
Peeling paint on brick
Graffiti on Humpback Rock
Carving on Humpback Rock [05]
Trail blaze on Humpback Rock trail
Cumberland Shoe Hospital
Reflection of sunset on Cumberland Shoe Hospital window
Anarchy sign painted in Cumberland, Maryland pedestrian tunnel
Steps to main overlook at High Rock
People standing on High Rock [01]
View from High Rock around sunset [04]
Graffiti-covered stone at High Rock [01]
Graffiti-covered stones at High Rock
View from High Rock around sunset [05]
View from High Rock around sunset [06]
View from High Rock around sunset [07]
Graffiti-covered stone at High Rock [02]
Graffiti-covered stone at High Rock [03]
Graffiti-covered stone at High Rock [04]
People standing on High Rock [02]
Two women sitting on High Rock
Two women looking at their cell phones at High Rock
Four teens looking at their phones on High Rock
Two people standing on High Rock
Couple looking at their cell phones at High Rock
Couple taking photos from High Rock
"George Bush is a reptile"
Pro-Trump graffiti [01]
Pro-Trump graffiti [02]
Skyline Parkway Motor Court guest building, October 2020
Sign for Pinehurst Motel [03]
Graffiti at Fort Edward Johnson wayside
Rockfish Valley Overlook sign
Sign at Humpback Rocks visitor center [02]
Sign at Humpback Rocks visitor center [01]