"Blind persons crossing ahead"
"NO LEFT TURN" sign printed over "DO NOT ENTER" sign
"TRIUMPH" welded onto a metal plate
1 train approaching 135th Street
2200 block of Atlantic Avenue
2900 block of Atlantic Avenue
34th Street-Herald Square station entrance pylon
500 Fifth Avenue [01]
500 Fifth Avenue [02]
500 Fifth Avenue [03]
500 Fifth Avenue [04]
500 Fifth Avenue [05]
500 Fifth Avenue [06]
Aerial view of Willingboro, New Jersey [01]
Aerial view of Willingboro, New Jersey [02]
Atlantic City, near Pacific and Delaware Avenues [01]
Atlantic City, near Pacific and Delaware Avenues [02]
Ball fields ahead
Barristers Row
Bell System manhole cover in Durham, New Hampshire
Below-grade passage at the Chrysler Building [01]
Below-grade passage at the Chrysler Building [02]
Charlottesville Downtown Mall, September 2014 [06]
Chrysler Building [01]
Chrysler Building [02]
Chrysler Building [03]
Chrysler Building [04]
Chrysler Building [05]
Chrysler Building [06]
Chrysler Building [07]
Chrysler Building [08]
Chrysler Building [09]
Chrysler Building [10]
Chrysler Building [11]
Chrysler Building [12]
Chrysler Building [13]
Chrysler Building [14]
Chrysler Building [15]
Chrysler Building [16]
Chrysler Building [17]
Chrysler Building [18]
Chrysler Building [19]
Chrysler Building [20]
Chrysler Building [21]
Chrysler Building [22]
Chrysler Building [23]
Chrysler Building [24]
Chrysler Building [25]
Chrysler Building [26]
Chrysler Building [27]
Construction site at Yonge and Elm Streets
Court Street interlocking board
Curbside haiku along Boerum Place
Empire State Building from West 34th Street, facing southeast [01]
Empire State Building from West 34th Street, facing southeast [02]
Empire State Building from West 34th Street, facing southeast [03]
Empire State Building from West 34th Street, facing southeast [04]
Empire State Building with nearby buildings [01]
Empire State Building with nearby buildings [02]
Empire State Building with nearby buildings [03]
Empire State Building with nearby buildings [04]
Faded stop sign at New Bern Mall [01]
Faded stop sign at New Bern Mall [02]
Faded stop sign at New Bern Mall [03]
Fire and police call box at West 112th Street and Broadway [01]
Fire and police call box at West 112th Street and Broadway [02]
Fire and police call box at West 112th Street and Broadway [03]
Forward on Climate Rally [06]
Forward on Climate Rally [07]
Forward on Climate Rally [08]
Forward on Climate Rally [09]
Forward on Climate Rally [126]
Forward on Climate Rally [13]
Forward on Climate Rally [20]
Forward on Climate Rally [77]
Garbage truck on Muncaster Mill Road
Horizontal traffic light in use as a blinker [01]
Horizontal traffic light in use as a blinker [02]
Horizontal traffic light in use as a blinker [03]
Horizontal traffic light in use as a blinker [04]