Five-headed lamppost in downtown Crossville
Staunton Clock Tower [02]
Staunton Clock Tower [01]
Staunton Clock Tower [03]
SEPTA sign outside Walnut-Locust station
Bus stop at West Church Avenue and South Gay Street
Fire alarm bell at 1 East Beverley Street [01]
Fire alarm bell at 1 East Beverley Street [05]
Fire alarm bell at 1 East Beverley Street [02]
Fire alarm bell at 1 East Beverley Street [04]
Fire alarm bell at 1 East Beverley Street [03]
Google Home Mini at the Sunsphere
PATCO sign outside 15/16th & Locust Street Station
Sunsphere observation deck [02]
Shattered window at the Sunsphere
Shadow of the Sunsphere
The Sunsphere [01]
Wigsphere sticker
The Sunsphere [02]
Water storage tank on Afton Mountain
Woomy atop the Langley Garage
Sign at the Sunsphere featuring Bart Simpson
Face on Casino carousel house [02]
Elyse plays Galaga at the Sunsphere
Fire alarm at the Sunsphere [02]
Fire alarm at the Sunsphere [01]
Dome on the Asbury Park Casino [03]
Dome on the Asbury Park Casino [01]
Sunsphere from the Langley Garage
Face on Casino carousel house [01]
Asbury Park Casino carousel house interior [02]
Asbury Park Casino carousel house interior [03]
Sunsphere observation deck [01]
Aerial view of the Sunsphere [02]
Aerial view of the Sunsphere [01]
Aerial view of the Sunsphere [07]
Aerial view of the Sunsphere [04]
Aerial view of the Sunsphere [06]
Aerial view of the Sunsphere [03]
Aerial view of the Sunsphere [05]
Fire alarm pull station at the Sunsphere
Asbury Park Casino carousel house interior [01]
Elevator at the Sunsphere [02]
Elevator at the Sunsphere [01]
Restroom at the Sunsphere [02]
Restroom at the Sunsphere [01]
Restroom at the Sunsphere [03]
Dome on the Asbury Park Casino [02]