Wells Fargo Tower [05]
Wells Fargo Tower [06]
Wells Fargo Tower [04]
Wells Fargo Tower [03]
Wells Fargo Tower [01]
Wells Fargo Tower [02]
Carilion Administrative Services Building [02]
Carilion Administrative Services Building [01]
Storm cloud approaching Roanoke, Virginia
Hampton Inn in downtown Roanoke [02]
Hampton Inn in downtown Roanoke [01]
110 Franklin Road SE
Poff Federal Building [02]
Poff Federal Building [01]
Downtown Roanoke facing Mill Mountain
Allied Arts Building [02]
Allied Arts Building [03]
Bank of the James building [03]
Liberty Executive Park [06]
Liberty Executive Park [05]
Liberty Executive Park [04]
Liberty Executive Park [03]
Liberty Executive Park [02]
Liberty Executive Park [01]
Dollar Tree Corporate Office [04]
Dollar Tree Corporate Office [05]
Dollar Tree Corporate Office [03]
Dollar Tree Corporate Office [02]
Dollar Tree Corporate Office [01]
Maritime Square
Highland County Schools
Woomy mails a Christmas card
Paramount Theater marquee [04]
Paramount Theater marquee [03]
Warren Hall post office lounge
View from the Hampton Inn in downtown Roanoke
Manchester Bridge from Potterfield Bridge
Federal Reserve Bank building [08]
Skyline of Richmond from T. Tyler Potterfield Memorial Bridge [04]
Federal Reserve Bank building [07]
Federal Reserve Bank building [06]
Skyline of Richmond from T. Tyler Potterfield Memorial Bridge [03]
CoStar Richmond office [08]
Skyline of Richmond from T. Tyler Potterfield Memorial Bridge [02]
Skyline of Richmond from T. Tyler Potterfield Memorial Bridge [01]
CoStar Richmond office [07]
CoStar Richmond office [06]
T. Tyler Potterfield Memorial Bridge [02]
T. Tyler Potterfield Memorial Bridge [01]
CoStar, Federal Reserve, and Riverfront Plaza buildings
Office at 275 South 12th Street
Riverfront Plaza [05]
My luggage at the Moxy
Room 414 at the Moxy in Richmond [02]
Room 414 at the Moxy in Richmond [01]
Wet Floor Jazz Hands
2000 Opportunity Way
Reston Town Center station entrance pylon [02]
Poff Federal Building, viewed from Mill Mountain
Carilion Children's Tanglewood Center [04]
Carilion Children's Tanglewood Center [02]
Carilion Children's Tanglewood Center [03]
Carilion Children's Tanglewood Center [01]
Fire alarm strobe at Ballston Metro Center [01]
Fire alarm strobe at Ballston Metro Center [02]
Downtown Waynesboro, facing east
One Lumos Plaza
Markel Building [01]
Markel Building [03]
Federal Reserve Bank building [03]
Federal Reserve Bank building [05]
Skyline of Richmond, Virginia from over the James River [05]
CoStar Richmond office [02]
James Monroe Building [03]
James Monroe Building [05]
CoStar Richmond office [01]
Markel Building [05]
Markel Building [02]
James Monroe Building [04]
Small island in the James River