Recording of Wait Wait... Don't Tell Me!
Mrs. Pennypacker and Muffy Mouse
Muffy Mouse [02]
Mrs. Pennypacker
Muffy Mouse [01]
Sticker advising not to remove the sign
Selfie in Today's Special sweatshirt [01]
Selfie in Today's Special sweatshirt [01]
Elyse poses with a fire alarm pull station
Elyse smiles at Harris Teeter
Entrance to the Ink Master studio [04]
Entrance to the Ink Master studio [02]
Entrance to the Ink Master studio [07]
Entrance to the Ink Master studio [05]
Selfie at the Ink Master studio
Entrance to the Ink Master studio [08]
Entrance to the Ink Master studio [06]
Entrance to the Ink Master studio [01]
Entrance to the Ink Master studio [03]
Entrance to the Ink Master studio [09]
Entrance to the Ink Master studio [10]