Anonymous Ideal Org raid [05]
"No parking this side of street"
Sheetz dining room closed
Capacity limit at the Walmart in Charles Town, West Virginia
Free phones sign
Plastic screens in Whole Foods parking garage
Go To Shop Cart at Wegmans
Montreal Road eastbound from North River Road
Traffic signal at Elgin and Somerset Streets [04]
Traffic signal at Elgin and Somerset Streets [02]
Traffic signal at Elgin and Somerset Streets [05]
Traffic signal at Elgin and Somerset Streets [01]
Traffic signal at Elgin and Somerset Streets [03]
Traffic light at Montreal Road and North River Road
One way sign on Palace Street
Turn signage at the intersection of two alleys [02]
Turn signage at the intersection of two alleys [01]
"NO TURN ON RED" sign at North Lincoln and West Wilson Avenues [01]
"NO TURN ON RED" sign at North Lincoln and West Wilson Avenues [02]
Turn restriction at North Michigan Avenue and East Chestnut Street