- Archway and gate at Reynolds Wrap building [01]
- Former R.J. Reynolds building [01]
- Former R.J. Reynolds building [02]
- Power Plant and the Italianate
- The Italianate [06]
- The Italianate [05]
- The Italianate [04]
- The Italianate [03]
- The Italianate [02]
- The Italianate [01]
- Alume signage
- Floodwall door
- Archway and gate at Reynolds Wrap building [02]
- Salem sign
- Canal beneath former Reynolds Wrap building
- Chocolate vine [01]
- Chocolate vine [03]
- Chocolate vine [02]
- The Italianate [08]
- The Italianate [09]
- Drawing of an elephant pooping
- The Italianate [10]
- The Italianate [11]
- The Italianate [07]
- "Do not read this sentence"
- Archway and gate at former Reynolds Wrap building [01]
- Archway and gate at former Reynolds Wrap building [02]
- Archway and gate at former Reynolds Wrap building [03]
- Exit sign at former former Reynolds Wrap building