Bodo's Bagels sign
Asbury Park Casino carousel house interior [01]
Dome on the Asbury Park Casino [01]
Asbury Park Casino carousel house interior [02]
Face on Casino carousel house [01]
Asbury Park Casino carousel house interior [03]
Dome on the Asbury Park Casino [02]
Jefferson Memorial at night [01]
Face on Glen Echo carousel [01]
Face on Glen Echo carousel [02]
Petroleum pipeline warning sign
Ball-shaped Coke bottles
Norge ball at BZ Laundromat [02]
Norge ball at BZ Laundromat [01]
Norge ball at BZ Laundromat [03]
Asbury Park Casino [01]
Asbury Park Casino [02]
Asbury Park Casino [03]
Elevator at Jerome L. Greene Science Center
Standard pull station
Monticello [01]
Monticello [02]
Monticello [03]
University of Virginia Rotunda
Cupola on Martinsburg roundhouse complex
Jefferson Memorial at night [02]
Lane Brooks
Dome on the Asbury Park Casino [03]
Face on Casino carousel house [02]
Terbinafine pills
Toilet Bowl Building
Signage at Culmore Shopping Center [01]
Signage at Culmore Shopping Center [03]
Signage at Culmore Shopping Center [02]
Signage at Culmore Shopping Center [04]
Rosslyn dome building
Social distancing sticker on a bench [01]
Massage chairs closed for social distance
Social distancing sticker on a bench [02]
Staunton Clock Tower [01]
Staunton Clock Tower [02]
Staunton Clock Tower [03]
Fire alarm bell at 1 East Beverley Street [01]
Fire alarm bell at 1 East Beverley Street [02]
Fire alarm bell at 1 East Beverley Street [03]
Fire alarm bell at 1 East Beverley Street [04]
Fire alarm bell at 1 East Beverley Street [05]
Water storage tank on Afton Mountain
"This ride has been sanitized"
Carousel in Staunton Mall's Belk wing
Ceiling air vent at the Kmart store in Aspen Hill, Maryland [01]
Ceiling air vent at the Kmart store in Aspen Hill, Maryland [02]
Staunton Clock Tower [04]
Staunton Clock Tower [05]
Staunton Clock Tower [06]
Staunton Clock Tower [07]
Staunton Clock Tower [09]
Staunton Clock Tower [08]
Staunton Clock Tower [10]
Staunton Clock Tower [11]
Staunton Clock Tower [12]
Staunton Clock Tower [13]
SEPTA sign outside Walnut-Locust station
PATCO sign outside 15/16th & Locust Street Station
Sinks at Round One in Deptford, New Jersey
Elyse sits in a concrete pipe
Weathered railroad crossing sign [01]
Weathered railroad crossing sign [02]
Weathered railroad crossing sign [03]
Weathered railroad crossing sign [04]
Markel Building [01]
Markel Building [02]
Markel Building [03]
Markel Building [05]
Markel Building [04]
Markel Building [06]
Clock tower on Richmond Main Street Station [01]
Clock tower on Richmond Main Street Station [02]
Clock tower on Richmond Main Street Station [03]
Ceiling vent at TJ Maxx in Staunton, Virginia