"Pleas keep it close!!"
10 St. Luke's Place [01]
10 St. Luke's Place [02]
10 St. Luke's Place [03]
10 St. Luke's Place [04]
10 St. Luke's Place [05]
10 St. Luke's Place [06]
10 St. Luke's Place [07]
10 St. Luke's Place [08]
BBC Rushmore [01]
BBC Rushmore [02]
BBC Rushmore [03]
BBC Rushmore [04]
BBC Rushmore [05]
BBC Rushmore [06]
BBC Rushmore [07]
Beached mushroom cap jellyfish
Boot menu on Dollar General self checkout machine
Bull statue decorated for St. Patrick's Day [01]
Bull statue decorated for St. Patrick's Day [02]
Bull statue decorated for St. Patrick's Day [03]
Carbide & Carbon Building
Carved graffiti on a tree in Patapsco Valley State Park [01]
Carved graffiti on a tree in Patapsco Valley State Park [02]
Carved graffiti on a tree in Patapsco Valley State Park [03]
Carved graffiti on a tree in Patapsco Valley State Park [04]
Discarded Pepsi can [01]
Discarded Pepsi can [02]
Discarded Pepsi can [03]
Elyse gives an obscene gesture
Elyse smiles for the camera
Elyse stands in a short doorway
Elyse walks along the beach
Fire-Lite BG-10 at Sears in Waldorf [01]
Fire-Lite BG-10 at Sears in Waldorf [02]
Fire-Lite BG-10 at Sears in Waldorf [03]
Fire-Lite BG-10 at Sears in Waldorf, Maryland
Graffiti at former St. Mary's College [01]
Graffiti at former St. Mary's College [02]
Graffiti at former St. Mary's College [03]
Graffiti at former St. Mary's College [04]
Graffiti at former St. Mary's College [05]
Grocery section at Dollar General Market store
Hell House [01]
Hell House [02]
Hell House [03]
Hell House [04]
Hell House [05]
Hell House [06]
Hell House [07]
Hell House [08]
Interior of R33S "World's Fair" car 9306 [01]
Interior of R33S "World's Fair" car 9306 [02]
Interior of R33S "World's Fair" car 9306 [03]
Interior of R33S "World's Fair" car 9310 [01]
Interior of R33S "World's Fair" car 9310 [02]
MARC train at St. Denis [01]
MARC train at St. Denis [02]
MARC train at St. Denis [03]
Marlow Heights Shopping Center
MCI Challenger motorcoach on Beard Street
Mooring dolphin with osprey nest [01]
Mooring dolphin with osprey nest [02]
N88327 travels over the Niagara Falls region of Ontario [01]
N88327 travels over the Niagara Falls region of Ontario [02]
N88327 travels over the Niagara Falls region of Ontario [03]
OC Transpo bus 6597 on Elgin Street
Penis graffiti on a tree
Photographing from a dock
Piney Point Bar [01]
Piney Point Bar [02]
Piney Point Bar [03]
Piney Point Bar [04]
Piney Point Lighthouse bell
Piney Point shoreline [01]
Piney Point shoreline [02]
Potomac River at Piney Point
Sarah's Beauty Supply