Pepsi Throwback
Mountain Dew Throwback
Chipotle meal with laptop
Giant Food #2304 [02]
Giant Food #2304 [07]
Southwest end of Tanglewood Mall, from second floor
Diet Pepsi
Cans of Surge for sale
Crystal Pepsi
North Market Pop Shop
Bottle of Lipton tea on the boardwalk [02]
Bottle of Lipton tea on the boardwalk [01]
Shelf full of Mountain Dew
Rows of energy drinks at Sheetz [01]
Rows of energy drinks at Sheetz [03]
Rows of energy drinks at Sheetz [02]
Rows of energy drinks at Sheetz [04]
Soft drinks at Giant Food
Bottles of Dr. Wham soda [01]
Bottles of Crush soda [02]
Bottles of Crush soda [01]
Bottles of Dr. Wham soda [02]
Bottles of soda at Egg Harbor Walmart [01]
Bottles of soda at Egg Harbor Walmart [02]
Bottles of soda at Egg Harbor Walmart [03]
Beverage aisle at Egg Harbor Walmart
Dr Pepper cotton candy
Woomy and GFuel
"Please use SANITIZER before and after use"
Rows of energy drinks at Sheetz [05]
Sodas at H Mart in Gaithersburg
7-Eleven store in Manassas, Virginia [03]
Cans of GFuel at Sheetz [01]
Cans of GFuel at Sheetz [02]
Faded Coke bottles
Ball-shaped Coke bottles
Caffeine free Mountain Dew
Piggly Wiggly in Mt. Olive, North Carolina [07]
Soft drinks at Food Lion in New Bern
Bottles of Pepsi at Food Lion in New Bern
Pepsi Soda Shop bottles at Sheetz
Bottles of Mountain Dew Uproar
Elyse holds a bottle of Faygo soda
Faygo soda at Carlie C's
No smoking, eating, or drinking sodas in the USS Wisconsin game room
Abandoned breakfast at East Falls Church station [02]
Abandoned breakfast at East Falls Church station [01]
Cap on a bottle of Sprite
Energy drink cans at Sheetz
Elyse photographs bottles of soda
Soda at Food Lion in White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia
Pepsi Bottling Group sign
Empty rack in vending machine at Ladysmith rest area
Pepsi bottle cap with Turkish writing
Two-liter bottles of soda at Loblaws
Vintage Coke machine at Geraci's Slice Shop [01]
Vintage Coke machine at Geraci's Slice Shop [02]