Cryptic Room at the George Washington Masonic National Memorial [02]
No parking sign on Gathright Dam [01]
Cindy Sheehan outside of the White House
The Liberty Bell
Funk the War 9 [04]
Funk the War 9 [03]
Professor World Band
Flags in Chicago
SlutWalk DC 2011 [05]
SlutWalk DC 2011 [19]
Steeple at St. Pauls United Church of Christ
Anarchy sign painted in Cumberland, Maryland pedestrian tunnel
Anarchy sign painted on a wall
Door button at Hotel 24 South
Microwave communications antenna in Colonial Heights, Virginia [01]
Microwave communications antenna in Colonial Heights, Virginia [02]
Signage at Suitland station
Rusted no parking sign in an alley [01]
Rusted no parking sign in an alley [02]
Graffiti on a boulder in Sheboygan, Wisconsin
No parking sign on Gathright Dam [02]