- Freight train at Martinsburg [01]
- Freight train at Martinsburg [02]
- Freight train at Martinsburg [03]
- Tanker cars in Cumberland rail yard
- Tanker terminal at Piney Point [04]
- Tanker terminal at Piney Point [05]
- Tanker terminal at Piney Point [01]
- Tanker terminal at Piney Point [02]
- Tanker terminal at Piney Point [03]
- Freight train at Horseshoe Curve [03]
- PNLX locomotive 9619 [01]
- PNLX locomotive 9619 [02]
- PNLX locomotive 2107 [01]
- PNLX locomotive 2107 [02]
- PNLX locomotive 2107 [03]
- MSC Cristiana and The Amigo
- The Amigo [01]
- The Amigo [02]
- The Amigo [03]
- The Amigo [04]
- The Amigo [05]
- The Amigo [06]
- The Amigo [07]
- The Amigo and the Kayee Moran
- Gaschem Europe