Ben Schumin Photography Portfolio

Ben Schumin is a professional photographer who captures the intricacies of daily life.

flickr-50220301963.jpg Fat Jimmy's Outfitters [02]ThumbnailsInterstate 70 shieldFat Jimmy's Outfitters [02]ThumbnailsInterstate 70 shieldFat Jimmy's Outfitters [02]ThumbnailsInterstate 70 shieldFat Jimmy's Outfitters [02]ThumbnailsInterstate 70 shield
Overhead sign for eastbound Interstate 70 in Breezewood, Pennsylvania, listing Washington, DC as the control city. Interestingly enough, Interstate 70 does not serve Washington, instead taking a more northerly route that ends up at a park and ride in Baltimore. The closest that I-70 gets to Washington is Interstate 270, which separates from its parent route in Frederick, Maryland and terminates at the Capital Beltway (I-495) in Montgomery County, Maryland.

More at The Schumin Web:

Ben Schumin is a professional photographer who captures the intricacies of daily life. This image may be used under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0. Please provide artist attribution, as well as a link to the original photo and to the license terms.
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Location : 39.999396, -78.240026