Cucumber in a basket
Wells Fargo Tower [01]
Wells Fargo Tower [05]
Wells Fargo Tower [04]
Wells Fargo Tower [02]
110 Franklin Road SE
Wells Fargo Tower [06]
Wells Fargo Tower [03]
Poff Federal Building [02]
Aerial view of downtown Lynchburg [01]
Aerial view of downtown Lynchburg [02]
Carilion Administrative Services Building [01]
Aerial view of downtown Lynchburg [03]
Hampton Inn in downtown Roanoke [01]
Roanoke from above Main Street SW
Carilion Administrative Services Building [02]
Hampton Inn in downtown Roanoke [02]
Poff Federal Building [01]
Downtown Roanoke facing Mill Mountain
Storm cloud approaching Roanoke, Virginia
Allied Arts Building [03]
Bank of the James building [03]
Allied Arts Building [02]
Interior of 316 East Main Street [02]
Elm Avenue interchange [04]
Elm Avenue interchange [03]
Balcony overlooking the Downtown Mall
Heron flying over the Hampton River [02]
Cupola on Highland County Courthouse
1940 Packard Super Eight in Charlottesville
Entrance to Omni Charlottesville Hotel [05]
Chili with onions
Entrance to Omni Charlottesville Hotel [06]
Rocks in the Hampton River [01]
Heron flying over the Hampton River [01]
Paramount Theater marquee [03]
Norfolk Waterside Marriott [01]
Entrance to Omni Charlottesville Hotel [07]
Rocks in the Hampton River [02]
Paramount Theater marquee [04]
Market Street parking garage
Norfolk Waterside Marriott [02]
Elyse checks her phone on the Downtown Mall
Downtown Charlottesville from Market Street garage [01]
Heron on a dock in Hampton, Virginia
Entrance to Omni Charlottesville Hotel [08]
300 East Main Street
Entrance to Omni Charlottesville Hotel [04]
Staunton Clock Tower [02]
Dominion Tower [02]
Dominion Tower [01]
Downtown Charlottesville from Market Street garage [02]
Dominion Tower [03]
Norfolk City Hall [02]
Norfolk City Hall [03]
Norfolk City Hall [01]
Fly stuck in a cup of iced coffee [04]
2 Eaton Street [01]
Staunton Clock Tower [01]
Christmas seamless pattern
View from the Hampton Inn in downtown Roanoke
Staunton Clock Tower [03]
P. Buckley Moss gallery
Property boundary mark
Aerial view of downtown Staunton, Virginia [02]
Paramount Theater marquee [02]
"Picture Petersburg: The Crepe Myrtle City"
Fire department tape in the Johnson Street parking garage [02]
Owen B. Pickett U.S. Custom House [01]
Aerial view of downtown Staunton, Virginia [06]
Aerial view of downtown Staunton, Virginia [03]
Owen B. Pickett U.S. Custom House [02]
Owen B. Pickett U.S. Custom House [05]
"DO NOT ENTER" sign on North Central Avenue [02]
"DO NOT ENTER" sign on North Central Avenue [01]
Aerial view of downtown Staunton, Virginia [04]
Owen B. Pickett U.S. Custom House [06]
Aerial view of downtown Staunton, Virginia [05]
Lynchburg Public Elevator [04]
Fire department tape in the Johnson Street parking garage [01]