Bridge to Johnson Street parking garage
Buena Vista overlook [04]
Charlottesville Downtown Mall, September 2014 [01]
Charlottesville Downtown Mall, September 2014 [02]
Charlottesville Downtown Mall, September 2014 [03]
Charlottesville Downtown Mall, September 2014 [04]
Charlottesville Downtown Mall, September 2014 [05]
Charlottesville Downtown Mall, September 2014 [06]
Charlottesville Downtown Mall, September 2014 [07]
College Square shopping center
Delaware House, September 2014 [01]
Delaware House, September 2014 [02]
Delaware House, September 2014 [03]
Delaware House, September 2014 [04]
Delaware House, September 2014 [05]
Delaware House, September 2014 [06]
Delaware House, September 2014 [07]
Downtown Cumberland, Maryland [01]
Downtown Cumberland, Maryland [02]
Downtown Cumberland, Maryland [03]
Downtown Cumberland, Maryland [04]
East side of Maryland House
Exterior of Chesapeake House [01]
Exterior of Chesapeake House [02]
Exterior of Chesapeake House [03]
Gas station at Maryland House
Grounds of the James River Visitor Center [01]
Grounds of the James River Visitor Center [02]
Grounds of the James River Visitor Center [03]
Harry Flood Byrd Memorial Bridge [06]
Harry Flood Byrd Memorial Bridge [07]
House Mountain overlook [01]
House Mountain overlook [02]
Interior of Chesapeake House
Interior of Maryland House
Intersection of Shenandoah and Potomac Streets in Harpers Ferry
Ivy rest area [01]
Ivy rest area [02]
Ivy rest area [03]
M. Carl Andrews Overlook at night [01]
M. Carl Andrews Overlook at night [02]
M. Carl Andrews Overlook [01]
M. Carl Andrews Overlook [02]
Main entrance at northeastern end of Tanglewood Mall
Martin's in Cumberland, Maryland [01]
Martin's in Cumberland, Maryland [02]
North side of Maryland House
Otter Lake [03]
Otter Lake [04]
Parking area behind the Roanoke Star
Parking lot at the Walmart in Lexington, Virginia
Parking lot at Valley View Crossing shopping center
Parry McCluer High School [01]
Parry McCluer High School [02]
Path around Stonewall Jackson Hotel
Path at Mill Mountain Park
Pedestrian walkway on CSX Cumberland Subdivision bridge
Platform at Martinsburg train station [01]
Platform at Martinsburg train station [02]
Plaza in front of the Augusta County Courthouse
Railroad tracks through Harpers Ferry
Rice Mountain overlook
Roanoke River Bridge
Roanoke River overlook
Robot Cyborg Muffler Man [02]
Sears Hill footbridge [01]
Sears Hill footbridge [02]
Sheetz in Fishersville, Virginia, September 2014
Sheetz in Lexington, Virginia
Sideling Hill rest area [01]
Sideling Hill rest area [02]
Sideling Hill rest area [03]
Sideling Hill rest area [04]
Sideling Hill rest area [05]
Sideling Hill rest area [06]
Sideling Hill rest area [07]
Sideling Hill rest area [08]
Sideling Hill rest area [09]
Sideling Hill rest area [10]
South Mountain rest area, westbound [01]