Drawing of an elephant pooping
"Do not read this sentence"
Graffiti at former power plant in Richmond [02]
Graffiti at former power plant in Richmond [01]
"BOOM" on a nametag sticker
"Stop evictions!"
Red happy face on a wall
"We need more affordable housing, Stoney!"
"L+A" spray painted on a pegboard
Wilkes Street Tunnel [11]
Wilkes Street Tunnel [13]
Wilkes Street Tunnel [12]
Wilkes Street Tunnel [10]
Wilkes Street Tunnel [09]
Wilkes Street Tunnel [08]
Mailbox at Varick and Downing Streets in Greenwich Village
"Live, love, laugh" on traffic signal control box
Fire and police call box at West 112th Street and Broadway [03]
Fire and police call box at West 112th Street and Broadway [01]
Fire and police call box at West 112th Street and Broadway [02]
Mailbox covered with graffiti and stickers on 7th Avenue
Faded and tagged stop sign in Langhorne, Pennsylvania
DJI Air 2S at Phoenix Park
Graffiti on a sign
"Praise Dobler"
Broken payphone in Philadelphia
Fire-Lite BG-10L in Philadelphia Chinatown [02]
Fire-Lite BG-10L in Philadelphia Chinatown [01]
Spice C [02]
"BORF" tag on Georgetown Car Barn [02]
"BORF" tag on Georgetown Car Barn [01]
Anti-war graffiti at Brookland
Graffiti on "ONE WAY" sign
Graffiti face
Sidewalk graffiti
"EAT AT HOME" graffiti
Anarchy sign painted on a wall
Pro-marijuana graffiti
Anarchy sign painted in Cumberland, Maryland pedestrian tunnel
Pedestrian tunnel under Queen City Drive
Be Cheerful "Fit In"
"ONE LOVE" sign