"END" sign on Bentley Street
Graffiti worm on Standard Club building [01]
Graffiti worm on Standard Club building [02]
Graffiti Alley in Baltimore [04]
Property boundary mark
Graffiti Alley in Baltimore [03]
Graffiti Alley in Baltimore [02]
"Oarf" graffiti tag
Former Aerolab Supply building
Twitter handle on the Aqueduct Bridge stub
Graffiti Alley in Baltimore [01]
Parking lot graffiti
"Stop evictions!"
Triangle graffiti on a bridge pier
Sign marking a pothole
Water tower in Cape May, New Jersey [06]
Red happy face on a wall
Water tower in Cape May, New Jersey [03]
Water tower in Cape May, New Jersey [09]
Water tower in Cape May, New Jersey [02]
Water tower in Cape May, New Jersey [04]
Water tower in Cape May, New Jersey [10]
"Hektad vs. Banksy" sidewalk graffiti
Water tower in Cape May, New Jersey [07]
Water tower in Cape May, New Jersey [08]
"BORF" tag on Georgetown Car Barn [01]
Water tower in Cape May, New Jersey [01]
Graffiti at former power plant in Richmond [01]
Water tower in Cape May, New Jersey [05]
Graffiti-covered tree [01]
Graffiti at former power plant in Richmond [02]
"We need more affordable housing, Stoney!"
Graffiti-covered tree [02]
Graffiti on the Aqueduct Bridge stub [04]
Borf graffiti on Bobby Fisher Memorial Building
Elyse checks her phone
Sidewalk graffiti
Graffiti face
Graffiti-covered stone at High Rock [03]
Partially cut tree limb
Graffiti at former St. Mary's College [02]
Sign for Graffiti Bar [01]
Graffiti-covered stone at High Rock [04]
View from High Rock around sunset [04]
Graffiti at former St. Mary's College [01]
Diamond Furniture with windows boarded up
Graffiti-covered stones at High Rock
Sign for Graffiti Bar [02]
"Stay Out, Stay Alive" sign at Centralia
View from High Rock around sunset [05]
Train passes through JMU campus
Graffiti at former St. Mary's College [05]
View from High Rock around sunset [07]
View from High Rock around sunset [06]
Scott's House [55]
Scott's House [57]
Graffiti-covered stone at High Rock [02]
Scott's House [26]
Sign for Graffiti Bar [03]
Steps to main overlook at High Rock
People standing on High Rock [02]
Scott's House [56]
Scott's House [27]
Scott's House [53]
Pavement markings for utility work
Two women sitting on High Rock
Graffiti at former St. Mary's College [03]
People standing on High Rock [01]
Graffiti-covered stone at High Rock [01]
Two people standing on High Rock
Sidewalk graffiti on North Lincoln Avenue
Graffiti-covered trees
Graffiti Highway, facing south [02]
Graffiti Highway, facing north [08]
Graffiti on the Aqueduct Bridge stub [01]
Graffiti Highway, facing south [05]
Graffiti Highway, facing south [07]
Peace sign on a bridge pier
Aqueduct Bridge stub [01]
Graffiti on the Aqueduct Bridge stub [02]