Wrigley Building [02]
Woman smiling at Van Ness-UDC station
WMATA Pride train 2024
WMATA Pride train 2023 [02]
WMATA Pride train 2023 [01]
White Castle in Howell, New Jersey
Welcome to the Real Fauquier County
Waynesboro High School [06]
Waynesboro High School [05]
Waynesboro High School [04]
Waynesboro High School [03]
Waynesboro High School [02]
Washington Monument, viewed from the south
Washington Monument in late afternoon [02]
Washington Monument in late afternoon [01]
Walmart in Brockville, Ontario [12]
Virginia state flag in front of Hopewell Municipal Building
Trucker convoy
Tribune Tower [03]
Tribune Tower [02]
Tribune Tower [01]
Toronto Union Station
Thomas Jefferson School No. 1 [02]
Thomas Jefferson School No. 1 [01]
The Washington Monument, viewed from the Lincoln Memorial
The Vietnam Veterans Memorial [06]
The Vietnam Veterans Memorial [05]
The Vietnam Veterans Memorial [03]
The Bay Queen Street [03]
The Bay Queen Street [02]
The Bay Queen Street [01]
The Amigo [07]
The Amigo [06]
The Amigo [05]
The Amigo [04]
The Amigo [03]
The Amigo [02]
The Amigo [01]
The Amigo and the Kayee Moran
Taxpayer March on Washington [04]
Taxpayer March on Washington [03]
Tall Cedars Room at the George Washington Masonic National Memorial
Swedish meatballs meal from IKEA
Surf warning flag [02]
Surf warning flag [01]
Suck Bang Blow [01]
Stuarts Draft High School, November 2007 [05]
Stuarts Draft High School, November 2007 [01]
Striking the "beach knees" pose wearing my Maryland flag leggings
Stove Ocean [05]
Stove Ocean [04]
Stove Ocean [03]
Stove Ocean [02]
Stove Ocean [01]
Speed camera on Benning Road NE [02]
Speed camera on Benning Road NE [01]
South side of Maryland House
Sitting in the car wearing Maryland flag leggings
September 24, 2005 anti-war protest [30]
September 24, 2005 anti-war protest [04]
September 24, 2005 anti-war protest [03]
September 24, 2005 anti-war protest [02]
September 24, 2005 anti-war protest [01]
September 15, 2007 anti-war march [13]
Selfie at Ward Plaza [02]
Selfie at Ward Plaza [01]
Rosewood Fire Department
Rosenbauer Commander fire truck at Mt. Aetna fire department
Roof of 100 Lakeforest Boulevard [03]
Roof of 100 Lakeforest Boulevard [02]
Roof of 100 Lakeforest Boulevard [01]
Robert E. Lee High School
Ride On sign graffiti
Ride On bus stop flag
Resist the Greenscare march [09]
Resist the Greenscare march [08]
Resist the Greenscare march [05]
Resist the Greenscare march [04]