John Hancock Center and flags
Forward on Climate Rally [90]
Forward on Climate Rally [125]
American flag flying
Flag in Annapolis, Maryland
Mars Cheese Castle sign [01]
Mars Cheese Castle sign [03]
Mars Cheese Castle sign [02]
Wrigley Building [02]
Tribune Tower [01]
Olney Indoor Swim Center [04]
Olney Indoor Swim Center [03]
K Street NW
Demonstrator outside Egyptian Embassy [01]
Anti-War Anniversary March [05]
Anti-War Anniversary March [13]
Flags in Chicago
Washington Monument in late afternoon [02]
Washington Monument in late afternoon [01]
The Vietnam Veterans Memorial [03]
The Vietnam Veterans Memorial [05]
The Vietnam Veterans Memorial [06]
March on Crystal City [08]
March on Crystal City [35]
National Equality March [37]
Flags outside Union Station
Operation Sea Arrrgh [06]
Operation Sea Arrrgh [26]
Gelato at Sweet Stop
Haagsche Tramweg-Maatschappij 1329 [01]
Haagsche Tramweg-Maatschappij 1329 [02]
DC Transit 1101
Haagsche Tramweg-Maatschappij 1329 [03]
Haagsche Tramweg-Maatschappij 1329 [04]
Welcome to the Real Fauquier County
Flags at Ivy rest area
Maryland flag
Parking lot at IKEA in College Park
Haagsche Tramweg-Maatschappij 1329 [05]
Haagsche Tramweg-Maatschappij 1329 [06]
Haagsche Tramweg-Maatschappij 1329 [07]
Maryland House
House on Perry Street
7th Street and Independence Avenue SW
Flag in a crack in the pavement [01]
Flag in a crack in the pavement [02]
Flag in a crack in the pavement [03]
Odd Fellows Cemetery [04]
McDonald's on Frederick Road
ATU Local 689 union hall [01]
ATU Local 689 union hall [02]
Speed camera on Benning Road NE [01]
Speed camera on Benning Road NE [02]
Queen Street West
The Bay Queen Street [01]
The Bay Queen Street [02]
The Bay Queen Street [03]
Flag flying over US Capitol [01]
Flag flying over Arlington National Cemetery [02]
Flag flying over Arlington National Cemetery [01]
Flag flying over Arlington National Cemetery [03]
Iwo Jima Memorial [01]
Iwo Jima Memorial [02]
Hotel Roanoke and Convention Center
April 12, 2003 anti-war protest [10]
April 12, 2003 anti-war protest [11]
Inauguration protest, 2005 [03]
Inauguration protest, 2005 [05]
Inauguration protest, 2005 [07]
Inauguration protest, 2005 [09]
Inauguration protest, 2005 [15]
Inauguration protest, 2005 [24]
Inauguration protest, 2005 [32]
Inauguration protest, 2005 [33]
Flag flying over US Capitol [02]
New Kent rest area, eastbound
Million Worker March [04]
Alberto Gonzales confirmation demonstration [08]